January 5, 2012

We have our apartment! Day 24...

It is Day 24 and I am absolutely exhausted.  I stayed up all night last night so that I could correspond and make plans for the apartment we will stay in during out trip to get the twins.  I needed it to be during their business hours which just happen to be (unfortunately) during my sleep hours.  By the morning, I was so close but still no apartment, and just as I was dreading another night without sleep the final answer was given and I was ready to commit.    I wish I could post pics but they are labeled so it will have to wait until we are in country.  It looks truly beautiful and very relaxed/comfy. 

I have received several requests for flyers for the Costa Vida fundraiser in Yuba City on the 14th ( ALL day!)  I will work on them first thing tomorrow.  I just can't do it tonight.  I didn't sleep at all other than the occasional 10 minute doze and jerk awake to refresh the email.   Then, I started the day at 5am to teach seminary for the youth at my church, drove an hour to volunteer, and took one of my children to the doctor.  Whew!  It is time for bed for me.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how close you are now. I am sooo excited for you. Praying you get some much needed sleep before you go.

    Carlene's soon to be momma :)


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