January 23, 2012

Day 7-A calm peace is setting in....

*Don't forget that our drawing for the Ipad 2 is tonight at 9pm.  Hurry and get your donations in before the deadline for a chance to win!!!  Just click on the donate button to the right and you are automatically entered! Remember that you can also enter by posting on FB, your blog, or sending me an email to let me know that you have included our family in your prayers.  I absolutely will welcome any and all help as we are racing to get to our goal!  You can also still win the Walmart gift certificates valuing $500 until Wednesday...just scroll down to my last post to learn more!!

So, on to today's update and status.....

I would never believe it to be possible but I am truly beginning to feel peaceful with the awareness that we are doing all that we need to do and that it will all come together.  

We were able to send a package to the twins for Christmas and it just now got to them because it needed to be sent through the attorney and then sent on to them.  It should have been disappointing to me that it took so long but I was actually amazed at the wonderful timing.  After all, the twins are only four years old and it is perfect timing in terms of their memories to have gotten the gifts and yummy treats only a week before we will meet them. 

We also were able to see pics that they received them....it was amazing to actually see the things that we carefully picked out and lovingly wrapped and sent, to be in their hands.  I know it may sound strange but it makes it all so much more real.

We've also spent a lot of time praying and praying some more.  I felt prompted to read 1 Corinthians and found a verse that really stood out to us:

Grace [be] unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ.

I really am finally feeling that we are doing exactly as Heavenly Father wants us to do and that we are right on track.  And, that feels so extremely good! 

Looks like I am posting this so late at night that I will be posting again today....with the results of our Ipad 2 contest...get in on it while you still can! :-)


  1. I shared about your giveaway on Facebook.


  2. It's always so wonderful to hear about families who are adopting! I heard about your story through No Greater Joy Mom.

    I've posted on Facebook about your giveaway.

  3. We (Alyssa is my daughter) donated to your adoption fund. We're excited for you. John 14:27 You and your family are in our prayers.

  4. Found this too late, but will be praying for the family. You are touching two precious lives and it will eternally be a blessing to you. He is with you, guiding you watching over you and loves you so much for you sacrifice in this way.
    Juanita Wickey


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