November 16, 2011

Let's turkey trot on over to Eastern Europe!

I'm so excited to announce our new fundraiser ideas!  But first, a quick update on what is happening with our adoption...we are fully submitted and awaiting our court date!!!!! YAY!!!!

The only down side is that it is not looking too good for us to get the twins home prior to Christmas.  I had been hoping that we would have the possibility of staying there during Christmas if that meant that we could bring them home sooner but due to the courts and attorney etc being off for vacation, we are not allowed to be in country at that time.  So, we have been told that if we don't hear anything this week about our court date that it will be highly unlikely that we will travel prior to Christmas. 

That pushes our travel date out to January and I'm trying to stay positive and realize that is okay too because we will have more time to be ready.

So, I've been racking my brain, with what little brain cells I have left, to try and figure out how to breathe some new life into our Walk Across the World. 

My goal is still to have a fun fundraiser (pun intended!) that still contributes to family and friends connecting and spending time away from the materialism and craziness of the holidays. 

The added bonus to all of you that participate is that you can burn off some of these extra calories that you know you will be otherwise adding to your waistline or the derriere!

Here is the new plan:
1.  Every week we will have a prize to win!
2.  Donate $1 per mile that you plan to walk (or whatever amount works for you)
3.  Reap the far reaching benefits of time outside, having increased family or alone time, and health benefits of keeping off the extra holiday pounds!!!!

Remember that no donation is too small and if you only walk a mile that week, it is okay to donate $1. 
I am also completely flexible on the way that you get your miles in!  Some of you live in snowy weather and could ski or snowboard the miles away!

Or you could dance away the calories and the miles!

It is also okay to still get a sponsor for your walking.  I can almost guarantee you that you know someone who would love to see you get out and treat yourself to something mentally and physically healthy in order to help a good cause!

If you want to donate and just can't or don't want to walk...we will walk them off!  So, please, feel free to donate and get us out the door and walking!  If we can't possibly walk off all of the donated miles, I will post to the blog for some help in walking them off.  There were definitely some that walked diligently last month that were without a sponsor.  So, this can help us match those that want to walk with those that would rather just donate.

With every donation, no matter the amount, or by helping us walk off the donated will be entered in to win our weekly prize AND you will be entered into the bigger prize of the Ipad 2 drawing which will come just prior to our travel!  I will announce the date as soon as I know it.  It will be a very Merry after-Christmas present!!!

So where did our virtual walk end last month?  According to many sources, we were at the most picturesque hot springs that you will ever find!  It is called 5th Water Hot Springs located up the Diamond Fork Canyon in Utah and takes a bit of a hike to get to. 

Look at these pictures!!  It is no wonder we stayed here so long!!! :D

The only problem is that there is a warning here for families that we might want to consider:

It sounds as though nude bathers frequent the, maybe it is time for us to shield our eyes momentarily and keeping walking!

Use our cause as the motivation to get out there and pre-burn some calories so you can dive into Thanksgiving without guilt!

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