July 13, 2011

In celebration of cousinhood......and the shaving cream ice skating activity

Our homestudy is complete and we are waiting for the first draft to come back from the agency supervisor.    We are currently working on the dossier autobiography and other paperwork.  We are STILL waiting for Robert's passport because of the fact that he changed his last name to mine when we were married.  What seemed like a simple decision at the young age of 20 has sure created problems!

This past week has been full of family and lots and lots of COUSINS!  Just the word being mentioned will bring smiles to my children's faces.  I am so glad that my children have had this opportunity to enjoy extended family because my sister and I did not have a single cousin.  Nor did we have an uncle or an aunt.  My mother is an only child and my father's sister was severely disabled and died at a young age.  So, I am thrilled to watch the children light up and beam from ear to ear when they have the chance to see their cousins.  It is as though they are getting to meet with a celebrity!

So, the fourth of July started with a trip to their uncle's house and reuniting with the pool and their cousins!!!!!

Here is Emily with her cousin that is only two weeks younger!
                        This picture inspired me to find and post their very first picture together!

My sister in law and I were obviously pregnant at the same time and we enjoyed each other's company immensely.

 We also attended each other's birth.  So, they have literally known each other from the very beginning!

So then I decided that I just had to walk down memory lane.......which can be a very long road as you all shall see!!

Here they are at around 5 years

Here they are at age seven
Here they are at 10 years
So, I got to this point in the blog and was touched by how fast the children have all grown up and so the rest of this blog is dedicated to our extended family and in true celebration of what is "cousinhood".
 It is a beautiful thing!


Cousins are:

Cousins are funny when they put on make-up!

E. and Corinna 2001

 Cousins are great to have at birthday parties!

Mary and E. 2004

 Cousins are fun to do plays with!

 Cousins are so fun to be around when they are older and you have no brothers!
Robertson and E 2011

Cousins are interesting to look at when you discover them for the first time!
Robertson and A. 2004

  Cousins are soooo cute and fun to hold and cuddle!

Mary and A. 2004

Cousins are funny when they try to hug you!

Robertson and A. 2006

 Cousins are very fun to hug back!
Robertson and A. 2006

 Cousins are also fun to bop in the face with sock'em boppers
 Robertson and A 2009

Cousins are special when they are similar to you in behavior and facial expressions! 

Amelia and A 2011

Cousins are great when they ponder quietly together

Lauren and H.-my sister's daughter 1995

 Cousins are huggy and love big squeezes

Cousins are fun to laugh and talk with

Cousins are so great that you just have to give them a big kiss

Cousins are the best addition to cotton candy!
Lauren and H. 1996

Cousins are best in groups of three, especially at Easter!
Lauren, H., and Corinna-just after Corinna came to live with us in 1997

Cousins are always bubbly
Corinna, Lauren, and H. 2002

Cousins are as beautiful as the music they make together

Lauren and H 2008?

Cousins are nurturing and fun!
Cousins are fun to play dolls with
Mary and A.(my sister's 2nd daughter) 2003

Cousins are the best of friends

A. and Mary 2005

Cousins are not afraid to ride the roller coaster of life right by your side
Mary and A. 2007

Cousins are the best people ever to camp with
A. and Mary 2007?

Cousins are not worried about your table manners!
Mary and A 2008

Cousins are HYSTERICALLY funny!!!!!
A. and Mary 2011

                Cousins are cute and cuddly

Mary, J., and A(my sister's 2nd and 3rd daughters) 1999

 Cousins are helpful in keeping you up!
Emily and J. 1999

Cousins are caring and entertaining
Robertson and J. 2004

Robertson and J. 2004

Cousins are bathing buddies
Mary, J., and A 2003

Cousins are toothless together
Emily and J. 2004

Cousins are the best Easter egg finders

Cousins are a source of love and strength
J. and Emily 2008

Cousins are an endless source of fun
J., Emily, and Amelia 2011

Cousins are the best!
Amelia and J. 2011

Cousins are the very best in large groups

Washington-at the beach 2002
Robert's parents and granchildren at their renewal of vows 2001

Thanksgiving 2007


Christmas at the mall 2001


**Extra fun activity for cousins: Shaving cream ice skating party

I promised that I would write up this activity quite awhile ago but couldn't find the pictures.  With all of the digging that I did to find all of the cousin pics, I found it! 

The idea is overall very simple but needs A LOT of adult supervision!  Take a very large piece of clear plastic sheeting and a few cans of shaving cream.  Voila!  You have your own indoor "ice" skating rink! 

 The children had so much fun and still talk about it!  Do be careful though, the little ones will need someone to hold on to.  They will fall....just like a new skater would on ice.  I have thought about spreading the plastic out on the grass where it would be more cushioned but haven't tried it yet. 
It is a definite memory making and cousin bonding activity!

A sincere thank you to all of my children's cousins!  We love each and every one of you so much and are so grateful for all of the love, laughter, and memories!

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